Fibonacci betting strategy

Fibonacci betting strategy

Fibonacci betting strategy

Fibonacci betting strategy

Fibonacci sequence betting is undoubtedly a controversial concept. But there are definitely sports bettors who were able to achieve great success with it. This strategy carries some risks, but with the necessary luck and the right nose, you can be successful while employing this strategy.

The basic concept of betting according to the Fibonacci sequence is simple: bet on a tie. If you lose, just bet on the next tie according to a certain key and start increasing your stake.

» Bet now with Fibonacci

It is important that the odds for the tie are above 2.62 (more precisely: 2.618); luckily for those who want to employ this strategy, there are many tie bets for this minimum odds. The higher the rate, the better.

If you lose, you simply bet the next tie after a Fibonacci sequence. It is a sequence of numbers in which the sum of two consecutive numbers results in the next number, making the Fibonacci sequence an infinite sequence of natural numbers. You can find more information about the Fibonacci sequence on Wikipedia.

The Fibonacci sequence

So if you start betting with 1 € on the first draw with odds> 2.62 and lose, then the next time you bet 1 € again, then 2 €, then 3 €, then 5 €, then 8 €, then 13 € and so on.

It is mathematically understandable that every profit that you will achieve with this bet will offset the previous losses and you will even make a net profit.

Example of the Fibonacci bet

Let’s take the example of the situation where you lose ten times in a row and win your bet the eleventh time. In this case, you have already gambled away 143 € and finally successfully placed the eleventh number in the Fibonacci sequence, 144, on a bet. If we now assume that the successful bet had odds of @ 2.80, you win 403.20 €. You have wagered a total of 287 €, making your net profit 116.20 €.

The disadvantage of this strategy is also obvious. Assuming you lose not ten bets in a row, but twenty, then you would have already lost 16,910 € in stakes. This is a huge bankroll, which you should of course never risk for such a betting sequence. You can find more about this in our explanations on bankroll management.

The Fibonacci betting system

When betting according to the Fibonacci sequence, you depend on timely success. Otherwise, you will eventually no longer be able to afford the stakes and you will lose a lot of money. Of course, this strategy can also work well. For example, you can focus on a specific team that is known to draw often. But purely based on the theory of probability, one day you will surely get into a stage that you can no longer manage financially.